
PPM Global Resources was established in 2008 by its founder, Dr. Paula A. Price.  PPMG, as we like to call it, is an outgrowth of Dr. Price’s twenty-five years of ministry and professional experience. Our products and resources have been  penetrating the Christian market since 1991 with Dr. Price’s freshman publication, Constructing the Contemporary Prophet. A self-published work, Constructing emerged on the scene with a bang, showing up at conferences, classrooms, and counter tops across the United States and abroad. This instructional manual quickly became a sought after answer to one of the largest information deficits in mainstream Christian teaching at the time. It answered how one can become a prophet, not just prophesy or operate a spiritual gift. The book’s most complimented feature is its practical, step-by-step approach to guiding Christians who feel called to this position in the church better understand the prophet’s office. As Constructing the Contemporary Prophet gained momentum, the release of God’s Apostle Revived ultimately established Dr. Price fully as the apostolic and prophetic expert she is known as today. God’s Apostle Revived was quickly picked up by many church leaders and used as the primary resource ministries turned to in order to understand apostleship. There was very little out on the subject at the time. Frankly, back then not too many books spelled out in rich detail how to operate as a prophet or an apostle in the church. These two works accelerated Dr. Price’s rise as a fresh, new apostolic and prophetic voice. These were joined by other groundbreaking works such as Church Prophets, which went on to become The Prophet’s Handbook, and the text unsurpassed in its genre, The Prophet’s Dictionary. The combined sales of both books topped 50,000 copies and put Dr. Price’s resources on the global map. Her publications are now sold in stores in all fifty states and in over thirty different nations. Their widespread success gave the first clue that her work was more than popular, it was valuable. That recognition led to the birth of PPM Global Resources. The second clue sealed it with Dr. Price’s innovative tool to help people discover their specific ministerial or professional occupation, called the Standardized Ministry Assessments. Truly, these were a witty invention. The journey of the Standardized Ministry Assessments began in 2002 as Dr. Price answered yet another deficit in Christian ministry. She noticed during her then seventeen years of ministry service that there was no tangible, objective and systematic way to evaluate the competency of today’s church ministers. Sure, there were plenty of assessment tools designed to tell individuals their personality type, leadership style, spiritual gift, and generic purpose, but nothing existed to evaluate comprehensively a present or future minister’s compatibility, knowledge, and capability to function as a competent minister. She had gained, through many years of research for her publications, an in-depth knowledge of what key Bible ministers in the Lord’s service possessed that enabled them to fulfill their assignments for the Lord successfully. With that information, Dr. Price invented an assessment that took Bible ministers’ core attributes and requirements and created insightful questions that tell assessees how God created them to serve His kingdom. The assessments’ primary objective is to identify modern ministerial candidates who are most compatible with the biblical standards and criteria. Additionally, they explore and report on the type of ministry service an assessee is most likely to fit in the kingdom and the level of service he or she is most likely to perform. Lastly, assessees are evaluated on their potential service outcomes, how and what they will produce in the lives of the people they serve. Overall, the assessments give Christians answers to some tough questions they may have about their own callings and their ministers. For instance, in regards to their ministers, many Christians can find out if they are effective in their lives. Others can learn if those that serve them are the best ones to help achieve God’s purpose for their lives. They can find out if their ministers are integrious, if they will fall into temptations, and if they are capable of stewarding their eternal salvation. Furthermore, with such insightful information, the assessments likewise put the power of ministerial appointments and ordination or use back into the hands of church leaders who often wonder about the ministers they consider trusting to lead their sheep. This tool can tell them who in their congregations is truly ready to become a minister by giving them a way to identify the best people for a job in their ministries. With such a tool, Christians and their leaders no longer have to feel unsafe about the people they choose to govern their spiritual lives or to serve their organizations. This accomplishment meant that Dr. Price yet again provided a crucial answer to a growing question and fear in Christian ministry. Our assessments took off like a rocket with churches and schools alike, who showed interest in utilizing such a resource. In addition to a 95% accuracy rating, the Standardized Ministry Assessments have penetrated twenty-six states and five countries. Its international, cross cultural, and cross denominational appeal provided the third and final clue to what Dr. Price has been trying to achieve all along. That is giving God’s people a way to do more than just “ministry as usual.” The result she is going for with her resources goes beyond preaching, teaching, laying on of hands, gathering numbers and circling the globe. Her ultimate desire is to see all God’s people come into their full purpose and destiny in Christ. Now what began as just a few pivotal publications and a ministry staffing tool has become full-fledged LifeTrax and Organizational VisionTrax programs that help ministries and individuals go from purpose identification to destiny occupation. As a resource company, it is PPM Global’s desire to serve as a supplemental aid and support for ministry organizations, Christian individuals, and Christian professionals. Our aim is to help Christians achieve their purpose and vision. Our goal is to form a one-on-one partnership with our customers and clients to help B.E.T.T.E.R. their professional and ministerial life. The acronym using the word “better” is deliberate. It stands for: Build, Educate, Teach, Train, Equip, and Release. Our company wants Christians to be the best at what they do, and to see that the Lord has the best of the best in His service whenever possible. These two desires voice our company motto that says: “If God has called you to it, we want to help you do it. Your success is our passion.” This statement epitomizes our purpose as a company, sets the pace for how we operate, and declares what we aim to achieve as a company in the lives of each person, ministry or business that partners with us in their destiny pursuits. It is why we work day and night developing hundreds of products and resources that ensure clients competently and  effectively execute their visions. It is also why we created a wide range of diverse training, development and mentorship outlets that conform to each of our clients’ unique interests. Collectively, these all say why we constantly expand our offerings to supply a plethora of customized comprehensive programs that treat a wide variety of Christian ministry and professional issues and concerns. These all provide our clients with the one-on one attention they crave to discover and better understand who they are, what they are on earth to do,and what they need to do it. PPM Global understands that the nature of its business can make it confusing to know if you are dealing with a ministry or business. We kind of like it that way. We quickly discovered when launching PPM Global that a Sunday service, a conference or event, or perhaps counseling alone is not enough. While there are things that can be handled with a simple prayer, others require professional, specialized assistance. Such expertise is exactly what we offer; so when asked what our focus is, we simply say, “We are a business that ministers.” Our staff is comprised of both ordained ministers and Christian professionals to create the perfect blend of ministry and business. We see it as the “Industry of Ministry.” Whether marketplace or ministry, we welcome you to explore our possibilities to conquer your world.

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